Disclosures & Notices
- Approval Letters Promoter Reclassification
- SEBI Master Circular bearing reference no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2024/37 dated May 7, 2024
- Voting Results 30.09.2024
- Notie of AGM
- Proxy Form
- Outome
- Notice
- Postal ballot Notice
- Outcome of Board meeting 14.02.2022
- Notice
- Intimation 12.11.2021
- Closure of trading window 30.09.2021
- Scrutinizer report for AGM 30.09.2021
- Summary of 28th AGM
- MGT-9
- MGT-9
- Scheme of Merger (Regulation 37)
- Outcome of Board Meeting 30.08.2021
- Intimation of Board Meeting 23.08.2021
- Intimation CFO
- Notice of AGM
- Outcome 14.08.2021
- Notice of Board Meeting 05.08.2021
- Outcome 23.06.2021
- Intimation
- Closure of Trading Window (Dec 2020)
- Closure of Trading Window (Mar 2021)
- Outcome 13.02.2021
- Scheme of Arrangement under Regulation 37
- Notice 04.02.2021
- Disclosure of Audit Fee
- Outcome of BM 11-09-2020
- Scrutinizer Report 2019-20
- Notice of AGM 2020
- Outcome of Board Meeting
- Scheme of Merger
- Appointment of Company Secretary
- Appointment of independent Director
- Notice 31.10.2020
- Outcome 18.08.2020
- Notice 11.08.2020
- Outcome 30.06.2020
- Outcome 30.06.2020
- Notice 22.06.2020
- Disclosure 17.04.2020
- Disclosure 24.03.2020
- Outcome 17.03.2020
- Outcome 14.02.2020
- Disclosure Regulation 30
- Disclosure regulation 30
- Notice 05.02.2020
- Notice 04.09.2019
- Notice 14.08.2019
- Notice 29.05.2019
- Notice 23.04.2019
- Notice 04.04.2019
- Notice 01.04.2019
- Notice 26.03.2019